2517E Climate and Space Research Building
2455 Hayward Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143
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- Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, Georgia Institute of Technology
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Research Interests
- Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
- Regional climate modeling
- Chemistry-climate interactions
- Atmospheric aerosols
- Biogenic trace gas emissions
- Boundary layer meteorology
Professional Service
- President, Atmospheric Sciences section, American Geophysical Union (2023-present)
- Member, National Academy of Sciences Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, 2016-2022
- Member, Scientific Steering Committee, iLEAPS (Integrated Land-Ecosystem-Atmosphere Process Study), 2015-2022
- Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 2014-2018
- Member, UCAR President’s Advisory Committee on University Relations, 2015-2018
- Member, National Research Council, The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research report, 2015-2016
- Gordon Conference co-chair on Biogenic Hydrocarbons and the Atmosphere, 2014
- American Meteorological Society Walter Orr Roberts Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Sciences, 2022
- Sarah Goddard Power Award, University of Michigan, 2020
- Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award, University of Michigan, 2018
- American Geophysical Union Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award, 2016
- Henry Russel Award, University of Michigan, 2013
- NSF CAREER Award, 2010-2015
- Please see a complete and recent list of our publications at: https://steiner.engin.umich.edu/publications/