Timothy Keebler

Timothy Keebler


Curriculum vitae

ORCID: 0000-0002-4570-6416

Google Scholar: Timothy Keebler


Climate & Space Research Building 2455 Hayward Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2143


Keebler et al. 2022, MSWIM2D: Two-dimensional Outer Heliosphere Solar Wind Modeling, ApJS, doi: 10.3847/1538-4365/ac67eb


M.S., Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan, 2020

B.S., Meteorology, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, 2019

Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Sciences, 2014


Graduate Student Instructor – CLIMATE 102 Extreme Weather

Grader – SPACE 423 Data Analysis and Visualization for Geoscientists

Grader – SPACE 574 Introduction to Space Physics

Grader – CLIMATE 102 – Extreme Weather

Teaching Assistant – CLIMATE 102 – Extreme Weather

Grader – CLIMATE 401 – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Grader – CLIMATE 463 – Air Pollution Meteorology

Research Interests

Graduate Student Research Assistant (University of Michigan), 2019 – present:

  • Tóth Research Group
  • Modifying the BATS-R-US Outer Heliosphere domain to create a 2D solar wind climatological dataset
  • Creation and maintenance of MSWIM2D dataset
  • Validation of the MHD-AEPIC adaptive PIC model for extreme space weather events

NSF PICASSO Research Experience for Undergraduates (University of Michigan), 2018:

  • Liemohn Research Group
  • Explored uncertainty characterization of the curlometer technique using Cluster data in the ring current region

Undergraduate (Millersville University of Pennsylvania), 2015 – 2019:

  • Deployed and operated meteorological instrumentation, including rawinsonde systems (Vaisala MW41 and Windsond) and acoustic sodar
  • Characterized aircraft static pressure on the UWKA research aircraft during the SEAR-MAR project
  • Studied topographic gravity waves over southeastern Pennsylvania
  • Founded the Millersville University high-altitude balloon program


College of Engineering Board of Reagents Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2019

AMS Space Weather Student Travel Grant, 2019

NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship, 2017-2018