Congratulations to our new Climate & Space PhD!
Dr. Vidal-Luengo plans to study the magnetospheric dynamics as a postdoctoral researcher.
Another CLASP doctoral student has successfully defended their dissertation.
Dr. Sergio Vidal-Luengo
Defense Date: August 3, 2021
Dissertation Title: “Global Dynamics of the Earth’s Magnetosphere During Northward IMF Conditions in the Era of the Heliophysics System Observatory”
Faculty Advisor: Mark Moldwin
Dr. Vidal-Luengo plans to continue with his scientific career. In the near future, he will stay at CLASP as a postdoctoral researcher, and continue the study of the magnetospheric dynamics using the Heliophysics System Observatory and ground-based magnetometers, while working on expanding his career as a researcher by obtaining a postdoctoral position in other areas of magnetospheric physics.
Congratulations, Dr. Vidal-Luengo!