Climate & Space faculty win MIDAS grant
PODS grant awardees receive funding support for a wide range of projects with data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the common thread.
PODS grant awardees receive funding support for a wide range of projects with data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the common thread.
We are very pleased to announce that two Climate & Space faculty are the recipients of a 2021 Propelling Original Data Science (PODS) Grant from the Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS).
Prof. Christiane Jablonowski and Asst. Research Scientist Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome were awarded a grant for their project “Supporting Decision-making for a Vital Waterway in the Great Lakes by Machine Learning Model-Based Lake Ice Forecasting.”
From the MIDAS PODS grant page:
“The PODS funding strongly encourages works that transform research domains through data science and AI, works that improve the reproducibility of research, and works that promise major impact and potential for significant expansion. “We are thrilled by the many brilliant research ideas in the large number of submitted proposals and wish that we could fund many more. The diverse range of research that MIDAS is able to fund demonstrates the strength of data science and AI research at U-M,” says Dr. H. V. Jagadish, MIDAS Director, “These projects will strengthen the data science and AI community at U-M, play a transformative role in a wide range of disciplines, and will have immediate and significant impact on our society. Previous MIDAS grants have made it possible for the research teams to form many new collaborations, formulate groundbreaking ideas, and bring to U-M more than $75 million of external funding.”
Visit the MIDAS site for more infomation: https://midas.umich.edu/pods-grants/