Alicia Petersen

Congratulations to our new Climate & Space PhD!

Dr. Alicia Petersen will begin a research position at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Albuquerque, NM this fall.


Another CLASP doctoral student has successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Petersen!

Dr. Alicia Petersen

Defense Date: 5/4/2020

Dissertation Title: Space Weather Propagation in the Inner Heliosphere

Faculty Advisors: Prof. Michael Liemohn and Assoc. Prof. Susan Lepri.

Dr. Petersen plans to take the summer off to spend maternity leave with her newborn son, who is due in just a few weeks. She plans to return to research this fall at the Air Force Research Laboratory working with Dr. Stephen Kahler in Albuquerque, NM. She is now living full-time with her husband, an aerospace engineer, in Albuquerque, NM, the Land of Enchantment.

Congratulations, Dr. Petersen